- Settings
- git config --global user.name "Your name"
- git config --global user.email "Youremail@xxx.xx"
- git config --global core.editor "vim"
- Checking & Help
- git config --list
- git help
- git help add
- Create local repository and initial the project.
- cd FirstApp
- git init
- git add * or git add *.java or git add AndroidManifast.xml
- git add .gitignore
- https://github.com/github/gitignore
- git commit -m "Initial Project Version"
- git status
- change a file, i.g AndroidManifast.xml
- git diff // diff the file in working sapce
- git add AndroidManifast.xml
- git diff --cached // diff the file in staged state
- git commit -a -m "Change comment added 2"
- git add DeletedMe.txt
- git rm -f DeleteMe.txt // -f will remove from staged state and also delete file from workspace
- git rm --cached DeleteMe.txt // it just remove from staged state, the file still exist
- git mv DeleteMe.txt Delete.txt // rename the file name.
- git log --pretty=oneline
- git log --pretty=format:"%h : %an : %ar : %s" // abbreviation, author, time, comment
- git log
- git log -p - 2 // show last two changes
- git log --stat
- git log --since=1.w
- git log --since="2014-04-12"
- git log --author="Author name"
- git log --before="2014-04-13"
- Undo comment
- git add DeleteMe.txt
- git commit -m "Random Change"
- git commit --amend // allow you to undo previous comment.
- Un-staged the file
- git add Delete.txt
- git reset HEAD Delete.txt
- Git, remote, Repositories, GitHub, Push, Pull, aliases and Tags
- cd FirstApp
- git init
- git add .
- git commit -m "First Project Version"
- git remote add origin https://github.com/youraccount/your_project_on_git_hub
- git push origin master // then input the account and password on github
- git remote -v
- origin https://github.com/youraccount/xxx.git (fetch)
- origin https://github.com/youraccount/xxx.git (push)
- git fetch origin
- git pull https://github.com/youraccount/xxx.git
- git add .gitignore
- git commit -m "Add .gitignore for Android"
- git add Andoridmanifest.xml
- git commit -m "Changed Android Manifest Comment"
- git push
- git remote -v
- origin https://github.com/youraccount/xxx.git (fetch)
- origin https://github.com/youraccount/xxx.git (push)
- git remote rename origin sf
- git remote -v
- sf https://github.com/youraccount/xxx.git (fetch)
- sf https://github.com/youraccount/xxx.git (push)
- git tag // to check all tag in current branch
- git tag -a v0.2 -m "Version v0.2"
- git show v0.2
- git push sf v0.2 // push single tags onto github, you can check release tab to see the information on github websit.
- git push sf --tags // push all tags onto github
- Create a short cut command
- git config --global alias.co commit
- git add .
- git co -m "Demostrate Alias"
- git clone
- cd google_pacman
- git clone https://github.com/xxxxx/google_pacman.git
- branch
- git branch fix20 // create fix20 branch
- git checkout fix20 // switch to fix20 branch
- git checkout -b fix20 // create fix20 branch and switch to it
- git checkout master // switch to main branch
- git push origin fix20 // push the branch onto github, you can check branch tab on github website.
- git checkout -b fix20 origin/fix20 // pull the fix20 branch from github
- git branch // check the branch status
- git branch --merged // check merged branch
- git branch --no-merged // check unmerged branch
- git branch -v
- git merge fix20
- git branch -d fix20 // delete fix20 branch, delete the merged branch
- git branch -D fix20 // delete fix20 branch which is unmerged.
- git push origin :fix20 // delete fix20 branch on github
- git branch: check current local Repo branches
$git branch
- git branch -r : check remote repo branches
$git branch -r
origin/HEAD -> origin/master
- git checkout -b <local branch name> <remote branch name>
$git branch -b cleanup origin/cleanup
Use git branch to check current branch on your local repo
- git checkout <local branch name>: switch local branch
$git branch
'*' indicate which branch you are using
$git checkout master
$git branch
Now you are using master branch.